Practices: Public business law, Urban planning and environment, litigation, general public law
Benoît PERRINEAU’s professional focus is on public business law, with specific expertise in development and urban planning law, commercial urban planning and environmental law.
He assists his clients in the choice and implementation of legal devices adapted to the execution of development and construction projects, always considering the sensitivity and constraints (operational, financial, political, etc.) specific to each activity. He also has a keen interest in litigation strategy.
He was a lecturer in urban planning law at the University of Paris V (Paris Descartes), after having taught administrative law at the University of Paris I, Panthéon Sorbonne. He participates in numerous conferences and training sessions on planning and urban development law (EFE, la Gazette Formation, SIC FORMATION, ECOA law school) and regularly contributes to the writing of articles in specialized journals.
Member of the Paris Bar (2010)
Master 2 Public Contracts and Partnerships, with honors, University of Montpellier 1
Master 1 Public Law, University of Pau