Pierre-Eric SPITZ has joined Earth Avocats as Of Counsel to bring his legal expertise, experience managing complex large-scale cases, and knowledge of the workings of public decision-making to all our practices. He works in the field of public business law. During his career, he was first successively:
Administrative magistrate
Administrative officer to the President of the Conseil constitutionnel
Technical advisor to the Garde des Sceaux (Minister of Justice)
Technical advisor to the office of the President of the Assemblée nationale,
Prior to taking over as director of legal affairs for the city of Paris for 13 years (2001-2013), with the following responsibilities:
The General Office of the Tender Commission of the City of Paris (supervision and securing of public procurement procedures worth several million euros);
Legal supervision and strategic orientation of major cases involving the City of Paris.
Finally, from 2013 to 2015, he held the position of CEO of SETE (Société d’exploitation de la Tour Eiffel).
Expertises: Industry-specific legislation, Public business law, Urban planning and environment, Litigation, general Public law
Member of the Paris Bar (2015)
Former student of the French National School of Administration (ENA)